Congratulations! Now… Here’s The Ultimate Daily Defense Routine For Energy, Clarity and Protection

Hi, it’s Dr. Rosenberg here.

Congratulations on your BioShield MD purchase! You’re well on your way to a strong, more capable immune system.

And since you went with the bigger package, I know that you’re serious about defending your health and your vitality.

So right now, I want to let you in on the ultimate daily defense routine.

What I’m about to show you took us over two years of testing.

And for results, I’ve never seen anything like it.

It’s a whole body defense protocol…

…and a whole body health upgrade.

So as you read every word below, I want you to think about how much you could save on medical bills if you follow this routine.

It’s The Sun Coast Daily Defense Routine

And yes, Step 1 is BioShield MD! Give your immune system everything it needs, especially for respiratory defense.

Then, Step 2 is a daily dose of VitaCell – with a select group of flavonoids for brain defense.

Then to round it out, Step 3 is OmegaVive – the perfect formula for heart defense.

Now, you’re already familiar with BioShield MD, so I’m excited to offer you:

Step 1: A Double Dose Of BioShield MD

For most people over 50, their inflammatory cytokines are already at extremely high levels – which means that their immune systems are functioning at a critically below-normal range.

If that’s you, then you will benefit from getting an extra dose in the first 3-6 months – we call this process “Flavonoid Loading.

It’s the best way to make up for years or decades of inflammatory cytokine attacks…

We need to get your body’s cytokine patrol back to healthy, balanced levels.

If you only take 2 capsules a day, you’ll see great results.

Yet I’d strongly suggest that you double your daily dose, to quickly “cool down” your inflammatory cytokines.

That’s how to get onto the fast track to a strong immune system, and that all-day energy and clarity that BioShield MD can deliver.

So this package starts with 6 extra bottles of BioShield MD. That way, you can take 4 capsules a day, to flood your body with even more immune supporting flavonoids.

Now, let’s talk about your brain:

Step 2: VitaCell+
For Memory and Brain Defense


If you think those inflammatory cytokines stop at your lungs, I’m sorry to tell you…

Your brain is also at risk.

This condition, known as “neuroinflammation,” is marked by cloudiness, low energy, and low motivation.

Those are telltale signs of a brain that is swimming in inflammatory cytokines…

And they’re warning signs for much worse things to come.

This is why it’s essential to add VitaCell+ to your daily routine.

Just like with BioShield MD, it contains a potent blend of flavonoids…

Yes, you’ll find standbys like Quercetin, Resveratrol, Cocoa, EGCG, and Boswellia…

But the two stars of this show are CherryPure Tart Cherry Extract, and Longvida-Optimized Curcumin.

Both of these ingredients have incredible clinical studies to back them up.

For example, in 2019, a landmark study showed that tart cherry juice had remarkable effects on brain health.

Study participants drank tart cherry juice twice a day for twelve weeks. And at the end of that time, they showed a 23% reduction in errors during a learning task, and an 18% reduction in errors in a memory task.1

We wanted all of that potency, minus the sugar…so we’ve included a clinical dose of CherryPure Tart Cherry Extract!

It’s also been shown to decrease abdominal fat2, improve sleep quality3, boost cardiovascular health4, and enhance joint comfort5.

Then there’s the Longvida Optimized Curcumin.

It’s a super potent curcumin, with 95x better absorption than standard blends.

A double-blind placebo-controlled study showed that adults had better working memory, and lower fatigue, anger, and confusion…just one hour after taking it!6

A second clinical showed very similar results at the four-week mark…showing that the results can last.7

In their words, “the pattern of results is consistent with improvements in hippocampal function”.

This is stunning, because the hippocampus is the part of the brain that converts short term memories to long term memories.

And it’s one of the first regions of the brain to suffer damage from advanced brain conditions.

As you can see, VitaCell+ was purpose-designed to support brain health and combat neuroinflammatory cytokines in your brain.

And for you, that’s going to mean clearer thinking, a better mood, and a healthy brain for years to come.

Now, let’s add the third step to your daily defense routine:

Step 3: OmegaVive
For A Strong, Healthy Heart


Increasingly, studies show that heart problems aren’t caused by too much cholesterol or fat…

…but rather, by too many inflammatory cytokines.

It’s the cytokines in your arteries that cause can plaque buildup8…slowing you down and putting you at risk of dangerous heart conditions.

That’s why you need a daily dose of Omega 3’s. They’re nature’s perfect formula for heart health, and for combating decades of inflammatory cytokines in your heart and arteries.

If you’re like many of our customers, you already take an Omega supplement, but I can assure you that for quality and potency, nothing comes close to our OmegaVive formula.

Every serving contains 800 mg of potent EPA and DHA fatty acids – the specific Omega 3’s that deliver so much of the benefit for your heart, your eyes, and your brain.

They’re delivered in a patented softgel, which passes right through your stomach acid, so none of these precious Omegas get destroyed.

They’re ultra-refined into triglycerides…which makes them immediately useable, and much more potent.

And maybe best of all, there’s no fish burp! That’s thanks to a hint of lemon extract, and our patented softgel.

OmegaVive stands heads and shoulders above other fish oil and Omega supplements.

You’ll feel it in more comfortable joints…you’ll see it in brighter skin…and you’ll know that your heart and your arteries are getting the daily cytokine cleanse they need to stay strong and healthy.

It’s the third essential step in your daily defense routine…

This 1-2-3 Combination Targets 3 Critical Risks

The science of strong immunity is incredibly complex.

When cytokines are out of control, they run rampant through the body, affecting all of our critical organs.

So the Sun Coast Daily Defense Routine targets…

  • Lung and Upper Respiratory Support, with BioShield MD
  • Brain Support, with VitaCell+
  • Heart Support, with OmegaVive

It’s everything you need to combat decades of inflammatory cytokine buildup…

Feel better than you have in years…

And stay strong, healthy, and vital for the decades ahead.

It’s a doctor-designed routine for daily defense.

How Much Money Could You Save On Medical Bills In The Years Ahead?

Inflammatory cytokines are now recognized as the root cause of many of our country’s deadliest diseases.

Time Magazine calls it “America’s Secret Killer.”

I don’t want to suggest that we can cure or prevent any diseases here.

But I do know just how much better and healthier our customers feel on the Sun Coast Daily Defense Routine.

So today, I’d like to offer you a one time, new customer discount.

Since you already purchased six bottles of BioShield MD, I’d like to offer you six more bottles at just $16.50 each…

Plus six bottles each of VitaCell+ and OmegaVive…

And you’ll pay just $16.50 per bottle – the exact same as you’ll pay for the extra BioShield MD!

This 6-month package goes for $1199 at retail…but you’ll pay only $296!

It’s over 65% off from our standard pricing…

And you’ll get free shipping – we’ll pack in all of these extra bottles with your BioShield MD order.

Best of all…

Your Upgrade Is Protected With A Year of Purchase Protection

You’ll have a full year to try this Daily Defense Routine, and decide if you want to pay for it.

If you’re not utterly satisfied by how much better you feel, then I’d insist that you contact us for a full refund.

Remember, the Sun Coast Daily Defense Routine was doctor-designed.

It’s three premium formulas for the most at-risk organs in your body.

If you don’t love how the Daily Defense Routine makes you feel, then you’ll get back the full purchase price – easy and hassle-free.

But please know…

You’ll Never See This Offer Again… Unless You Decide To Stay Onboard

This price is a one-time “welcome” gift.

If you want to get on a subscription for our Sun Coast Daily Defense Routine in the future, it will cost anywhere from $250/month (if we’re offering it on sale) to $356/month (at full price).

But right now, you can lock in six months of product at tremendous savings.

It’s not a subscription, but many customers want to keep going.

If that’s you, then our Customer Happiness agents will be happy to offer you the lowest rate that you’re getting today.

And it all starts with your upgrade right now!

Just Imagine What Your Doctor Is Going To Say

“I don’t know what you’re doing, but you’re looking and testing healthier than you have in years…”

This is the first ever doctor-designed, daily routine for your three most vulnerable organs.

We spent years testing the ingredients, the formulas, and the dosing…

…and my personal guarantee to you is this:

Love how it makes you feel, or your money back!

Remember, when you upgrade now, you’re saving over 65%, you’re getting free shipping, and a year of purchase protection.

This is the very best offer I can make you…and the very best routine I have for your health!

You’ll never see this offer again, so I urge you to upgrade now, and start making this your daily defense routine.

Your Upgrade Includes:

  • 6 More Bottles of BioShield MD
  • 6 Bottles of VitaCell+
  • 6 Bottles of OmegaVive

Regular Price: $1199

Instant Savings: $903

Your Price: $296
(One-Time Payment, Not A Subscription)

1“Effect of Montmorency tart cherry juice on cognitive performance in older adults: a randomized controlled trial”. Sheau C. Chai, Jessica Jerusik, Kristina Davis, Regina S. Wright and Zugui Zhang. Food & Function. doi:10.1039/C9FO00913B

2Seymour, E., Lewis, S., Urcuyo-Llanes, D., Tanone, I., Kirakosyan, A., Kaufman, P. and Bolling, S. (2009). Regular Tart Cherry Intake Alters Abdominal Adiposity, Adipose Gene Transcription, and Inflammation in Obesity-Prone Rats Fed a High Fat Diet. Journal of Medicinal Food, 12(5), pp.935-942.

3Howatson, G., Bell, P., Tallent, J., Middleton, B., McHugh, M. and Ellis, J. (2011). Effect of tart cherry juice (Prunus cerasus) on melatonin levels and enhanced sleep quality. European Journal of Nutrition, 51(8), pp.909-916.

4Lynn, A., Mathew, S., Moore, C., Russell, J., Robinson, E., Soumpasi, V. and Barker, M. (2014). Effect of a Tart Cherry Juice Supplement on Arterial Stiffness and Inflammation in Healthy Adults: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 69(2), pp.122-127.

5Kuehl, K., Elliot, D., Sleigh, A. and Smith, J. (2012). Efficacy of Tart Cherry Juice to Reduce Inflammation Biomarkers among Women with Inflammatory Osteoarthritis (OA). Journal of Food Studies, 1(1).

6Cox KH, Pipingas A, Scholey AB. Investigation of the effects of solid lipid curcumin on cognition and mood in a healthy older population. J Psychopharmacol. 2015 May;29(5):642-51. doi: 10.1177/0269881114552744. Epub 2014 Oct 2. PMID: 25277322.

7Cox, K.H.M.; White, D.J.; Pipingas, A.; Poorun, K.; Scholey, A. Further Evidence of Benefits to Mood and Working Memory from Lipidated Curcumin in Healthy Older People: A 12-Week, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Partial Replication Study. Nutrients 2020, 12, 1678.

8Fatkhullina AR, Peshkova IO, Koltsova EK. The Role of Cytokines in the Development of Atherosclerosis. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2016 Nov;81(11):1358-1370. doi: 10.1134/S0006297916110134. PMID: 27914461; PMCID: PMC5471837.